Friday, November 11, 2005

Why men are cruel?

Anonymous wrote :

Dr Love,

I have a nice girl friend,she is a nice cheerful girl. She can supply me with endorphine, make me laugh most of the times, fun person to be with. But u know, life is sometimes so unfair, she has been hurt by men. Some courted her - when she showed interest, they ran away. Some cheated on her trust ...Why men are so cruel? where is their integrity ? (disclaimer - not all men like this of course - Dr Love is one of the example - i hope :P)

Doctor Love replied :

Dear anonymous, I think in this world there are good and bad guys. We shall not generalize all men are equally bad, based on one or two incidents :)

Some men are fearful of commitment. This is because first of all, they do not know what is commitment itself. Commitment is not about tying you down all together and losing your space. Instead, it should be great communication between the couple with great intimacy like talking and flirting with each other. (Sex is not all :P )

Next time, when your friend is seeing someone, try this, instead of jumping into conclusion of I LOVE U and U LOVE ME. Try to communicate well first, both of you must be at ease and feel a comfort level between the 2 of you. Then go to the next level where you call each other lover.

Sometimes we get hurt in relationship, but that does not mean we are at fault. We should continue to search the soul out there who accept us as an individual rather than a sex object :P


At 11/13/2005 05:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a reason why men who courted her ran away when she showed interest? Perhaps the men liked what they saw when they were courted her and then realized she just *too* nice to be true... I mean, I don't understand why men who courted her ran away. It doesn't work that way...

At 11/15/2005 10:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear ringgit:
i've got 2 rotten eggs in my "soulmate basket", so i can give you some input based on my experience....

why man run away after i show interests:
1) the girl is too devoted to relationship
2) the girl loves the guy too much
3) guy are not sincere at the first place
4) girl shows interest to the guy too soon
5) guy are not ready to commit to relationship, but they just wanna sweet talk the girl
6) the girl's 缘份 is having problem, just like myself... all the guy who courted me, will run away :(

At 11/16/2005 11:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats the chinese word in sanguinity's entry?
Me can't read chinese.

At 11/17/2005 05:49:00 PM, Blogger Kucing Gatal said...

Hello! I just discovered this blog - your advice is superb :) I was trying to do the same thing not knowing someone had already beaten me to it. But anyway it's not like I'm receiving troubled emails by the minute ...

At 11/24/2005 05:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Love,

I have a cousin just got dumped by his gf without any reason. They have been together for 5 years.

From what he told me. This gf is super queen control. She don't let him play futsal (even thou she is still sleeping - 7-9am), cannot 'mamak' with his cousin brother or friends (all guys)once a week, cannot go to cousin house for dinner, cannot do this that and always piss him off until to the stage of fighting.

Then after the break she still sent him love email, song & care for him.

My counsin questions is why she still want to sent lovey dovey emails or songs? What is she trying to do?

He is confused. Don't know she want to break for real or someone teaching her to do so (to test his love) or ???


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