Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Will You Slave To Love?

Hi all

Lately it has been really quiet, not much love troubles out there! But hey isn't this a good news hence, my business is going "south". Nevertheless, I will still write hopefully can share some of the experiences I had or my other fans had.

I came across a couple who had been dating for more than 2 years. The guy was very spoilt as he came from a wealthy family. Hence no housework and errands to run. Well, MR Wealthy lives with Miss Nice, however, Miss Nice will do everything to makes MR Wealthy happy. I could tell Mr Wealthy cares about Miss Nice, but he never says I love you or something nice to her. But during dinner and movies, Mr Wealthy don't mind paying at all.

I once asked how does Miss Nice felt, and she said she don't mind doing the housejobs and keeping Mr Wealthy happy. But she wishes to hear the nice things from Mr Wealthy, which she found he is not good at Expressing himself.

I had also asked if Miss Nice can continue when her innerself may not be met. She confessed she struggled sometimes, because being a girl is like a pot of flower, which need to be watered from times to times.

From what I can see, Miss Nice is really slaving herself for the sake of love. And it may look desperate too. Miss Nice is not very pretty, but she is a smart girl. So my guess is she has no choice.

Would you encourage such relationship or have a relationship this way? As a doctor love, I just wish Mr Wealthy will be nicer and learn to express more.


At 10/19/2005 09:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm.. Mr Wealthy sound like my boyfriend. If you remember, he never gives me flowers nor say "I love you".. Em dung the sui loh got mistress????!

At 10/20/2005 08:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody has a choice. So does Miss Nice. I think Miss Nice loves Mr Wealthy and because of this she could ignore small and petty matters like Mr Wealthy not telling her he loves her. After all, she understand that Mr Wealthy is not expressive and Mr Wealthy have been treating her good. So what if she doen't get to hear sweet endearings? It's trivial compare to other things that Mr Wealthy does.

At 10/20/2005 09:12:00 AM, Blogger Kiasu-Ching said...

hey maggi mee goreng ..nice to hear from you again!

hehe i don't think your bf meant it. This Mr Wealthy, is really bad in expressing himself. Somehow he shown love in a different ways for example, buy her dinner during her birthday, take her to movies because both of them love movies :)

So in away, Mr Wealth expresses in a different way :-)

If you are worried about your bf, confront him, ask him if he still needs you. If not, let's move on ;-)

At 10/21/2005 10:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I would encourage such a relationship as I believe that actions always speaks louder than words. It looks like Mr Wealthy did a lot of things for Miss Nice.. so really, his actions should underline more than if he said something. Saying is really easy. Anyone can just say... but to actually do the stuff... well, it takes a real man to do it. Congratulations Miss Nice. Keep him!


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