Friday, September 02, 2005

Single and Happy ... What's Wrong With That?

Ringgit wrote :

Doktor Love, I have a friend. He's 3 years older than I am. He's still single and very much available. However, he shows no inclination of settling down. Not even the want or need to have a gf.. or bf for that matter. I know some single people but usually they are single not by choice but by circumstances and these people yearns for companionship... but my friend has no such interest. Is it because he's content with himself? Is it normal to be content and not to yearn for a companion?

Please advice my friend.

To any of Dr Love's readers .. if you want to know my friend, let me know. Maybe I can hook you up with him.

Doctor Love replied :

Dear Ringgit, you are so kind to your friend. I hope he appreciated that ;-P

Anyway, I am sure there are people who are like your friends. In my experience, people who do not wants to commit has a long laundry list that he or she wants to meet before settling down. Have you asked your friend about this?

Perhaps when you are single, you have more freedom to excercise your wants. For those who are married or with kids should be able to relate to the word freedom? Lifestyle will change drastically and making life plans has to put your partners into considerations first.

It is true, to have somebody to share your life or burden. However, perhaps your friend does not want his potential partner to commit with his unpredictable plans? When you have a partner, you want to give your best, you don't make them to put up with your unpredictable plans right? ;-)

So what is wrong with being Single? Nothing wrong, but your friend need to realise to stop and making commitments when the time is RIGHT :-)


At 9/02/2005 10:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doctor, I think you kena spammed. This is what happens when you allow anonymous comments.. but then, if you don't allow anonymous comments, you will not have business. I sympathize.

Doctor, I have been trying to help my friend but he always refuses any help from me or our other mutual friends. So, I am not really sure if he appreciates our effort.

You mentioned about freedom. I do appreciate the freedom of being single. I have been single all my life. But then, it was out of reluctance. I don't want to be single. I happened to be single because all my attempts to get attached failed miserably.

My friend, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying singlehood. He seems to have NO interest in getting attached. And that seems really strange. If he's in his 20s, I can understand the "unpredictable plans". But Doctor, next year he will be in his LATE thirties!! What unpredictable plans are there for one so old? Still young meh? Still adolencences meh? In late 30s liow.. whatever plans will be predictable lar. So I don't really buy this idea.

My opinion? He likes himself too much... that's why he don't have a need to share his love. He wants to give himself completely. Maybe that's the reason for his disinterest. What say you? Is it physchology or physical?

At 9/02/2005 11:23:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm..I agreed and disagreed with Ringgit.

Disagreed...maybe your friend being hurt deeply by previous love (many times) and till now scare to accept other love.

Agreed...some people like to be alone. Or just like you said your friend love himself too much and not ready to share his love.

Maybe your friend 'yuen fan' is not in Malaysia. Maybe other in countries. :)

I have a lady friend, she is in her 40's and not married too. Her case is like my disagreed reason. So now she don't want to look for companion until someone really strike her. :)

At 9/02/2005 12:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ringgit.. intro your friend to me lar.. Let MGA showed him what is companionship and lurveeee... maybe he will change once he knows me. LOLOLOL!

I believe that your friend has never known love. That is why he does not know what he's missing out in life. To him, life is just him and maybe his family (parents, siblings). So it is easier for him to go through life that way. After all, life has been status quo to him for almost 40 years. He's comfy with it. Why change?

The situation would be different if he has experienced love before. Then he will feel lonely.

Doktor.. good to see some life in your blog again. Are you sure you don't want to meet up with me?

At 9/02/2005 02:15:00 PM, Blogger Kiasu-Ching said...


Thanks for your witty comments again :-)

Doktor and patient cannot mix, must remain professional :-)

In order to keep this blog alive, let your friends know of this site. Probably they may have more LOVE Questions eh ;-)

At 9/02/2005 02:31:00 PM, Blogger Kiasu-Ching said...


Just leave him alone. As long as you had tried, let him suffer ;-)

Like MGA said he will find out what he has been missing later in his life :-P

At 9/02/2005 03:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, your friend reading this blog. Intro to MGA. LOL!!!

At 9/03/2005 12:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first thought, i want ringgit to intro this guy to me too!
However, when i think about it... dun drag a guy who is not ready to love into relatioship. And i agree that this kind of man loves himself more than anything else. He might not want any other thing to disturb his life plan.... i totally disagree to intro gf to him, coz this will make gf suffer...

dr.. MGA is your patient, im only your reader, will u meet up with me then :P

At 9/05/2005 04:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ringgit ringgit...suddenly your friend so popular. I think you should intro him leh. LOL!!

At 9/06/2005 10:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend is a reader of this blog. He's stupidly named as anti-ringgit. There must be something he had against me even though I have been a good boy and have been trying to help him. He should know he's popular, being a reader of Doktor Cinta's website and he would post here if he wanted to get to know people like Sanguinity. So far, he's been pretty quiet. Perhaps he's still not ready?

Oi.. Old man, if you are reading this, response lar sikit :D :D

At 9/12/2005 10:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ringgit, how do you know your friend did not cry at night when he was lonely.


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