Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Love Is ...

Hello boys and girls,

Another request from an Anonymous to post the message below. According to Anonymous it was from a book but the source was not mentioned :-)

Love is ................
...asking about someone's day and truly caring about the answer.
...knowing that people are different and loving them just the same.
...being there.
...taking out the trash without being asked.
...leaving the last pop for your brother, even though you've been craving it all day.
...being patient, even when you're tired - especially when you're tired
...writing a note of encouragement.
...treating your family as well as you treat your friends.
...listening to your friend, even when you've heard the same thing a hundred times before.
...calling someone back after an argument.
...being honest about how you feel.
...caring - even when it's hard and you don't feel like it.
...trusting in someone even when you're scared.
...saying you're sorry when you are wrong.
...smiling in hard times.
...calling just to say hi on a busy day.
...praying for someone.
...forgiving someone again and again.
...walking beside someone, not in front of or behind her.
...being comfortable with someone in silence.
...providing a shoulder to cry on.
...being a friend.
...trying to understand.
...being open to correction.
...ignoring another's fault.
...serving others.
...changing your plans for someone.
...crying for someone when you know they're hurting.



At 7/12/2005 05:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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